"Looking at our culture through this set of glasses explains why we are so successful around the world selling trappings of adolescence: Coca-Cola, Nike shoes, fast food, blue jeans, and loud, violent movies. America has never produced a world-class classical composer,but has successfully exported rock, hip-hop, and R&B - the music of adolescence - to every corner of the globe. American basketball players who can hardly read make exponentially more money than American scientists do. We are endlessly fascinated with clebrities and all the adolescent mistakes they make." -- Clotaire Rappaile, "The Culture Code"
Philip Glass is an American. And a world-class composer.
Just for the record.
ehehe Clotaire "the charlatan" living the americam dream.
Philip Glass!
"Opening From Glassworks" is one of my favourite pieces of music... Phillip Glass.
And I buy Nike kicks, go figure.
I realize sometimes people will exaggerate slightly to make a point. Point made and taken. But 3 of my favorite symphonies are Shostakovich #10th, Copland #3rd, and the Roy Harris #3rd Symphony. Each of them world class.
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