June 09, 2006

Really fresh breath

Here's a very interesting promo action developed by Kolle Rebbe in Germany for VIVIL, a producer of candies and breath drops.

Imagine you've just had a greasy kebab. To bring this moment to life, Kelle Rebbe made a flip book, complete with real smells. When you flick through the flip book, it looks like someone who has just eaten a large doner is breathing on you, and the draught produced by the motion of the pages reinforces the impression.

Fortunately, their breath smells not of kebab meat and chilli sauce, but fresh and minty, because the pages of the book have been impregnated with a peppermint scent.


Anonymous said...

knalli for president!

Anonymous said...

the agency of the vivil-advertising is called KOLLE REBBE