September 21, 2005

About the Motorola iTunes

"Why the iPhone won't rock your world"

"The reason people were so intrigued about the idea of an iPhone is that it had the potential to make three hitherto-parallel universes converge. First, there was Apple's iTunes - the first, and still the dominant, legal online music business (which has sold half a billion songs since it opened). Then there was the mobile phone - the one modern device that has become ubiquitous in our lives. And finally, there was the iPod, the iconic gizmo that has become the Walkman de nos jours.

Put these three together in a single device and - so the theory went - you had a truly revolutionary technology."

[Source: The Observer Business]


Anonymous said...

"It certainly doesn't threaten the iPod -- and that may be just what Jobs wants" -- Business Week. But of course not. Apple is just buying some time via Motorola (win-win situation) to face the potential threats of new Nokia MP3 players.

Anonymous said...

itunes is put on motorola phone, Apple bring out the Nano to lift the bar.
Apple aren't stupid, itunes becoming THE mp3 player means more Apple store customers.